Strengthening Statistical Computing for NARS
Work Programme
Expected Outcome
Monitoring Indicators
Consortium Partners
Project Team
PI and CPIs
Technical Officers
Nodal Officers
Number of Trainees
List of Researchers Trained
Responsibilities of Lead Center
Responsibilities of Statistical Computing Hubs
Training Calender 2013-2014
Training Calender 2012-2013
Trainers' Training Programmes
Researchers' Training Programmes
Distribution of Trainees
List of Researchers Trained
List of Trainers Trained
List of Scholars Trained
List of RA/SRF/JRF Trained
Reference Manual
Data Analysis Using SAS
Data Analysis Using SAS Enterprise Guide
Data Analysis Using JMP
Data Analysis Using JMP Genomics
Data Mining Using SAS
Data Analysis Using R & R-Studio
Genetics/Genomics Data Analysis Using SAS
Data Analysis in Social Sciences Research Using SAS
Data Analysis in Dairy Sciences Research Using SAS
Case Studies
Data Analysis of Agroforestry Experiments
Animal Sciences Research
Natural Resourse Management Research
Analysis of Experimental Design
Augmented Block Designs
Split Factorial(Main A,Sub BxC)Design
Split Factorial(Main AxB,Sub C)Design
Split Factorial(Main AxB,Sub CxD)Design
Split Split Plot Design
Strip Plot Design
Strip Split Plot Design
designs for factorial Experiments
Econometric Analysis
Generations of Designs
Generating Polycross Design
Generating Treatment Combination SFTSMCRS
Generating TFNBCB Designs
Statistical Genetics
Heritability Estimation (Halfsib)
Important Links
Statistics Teaching Videos
Design & Analysis Guide
SAS/STAT Procedures
SAS/STAT Examples
Getting Started with SAS Enterprise Miner 7.1
Free SAS Tutorials
Comments and Suggestions
Feedback Performa
Contact us
Statistical analysis is an important tool to extract as much information as possible from the given data. Statistical computing methods enable to answer quantitative biological questions from research data and help plan new experiments in a way that the amount of information generated from each experiment is maximized. Widespread use of computers and specialized high end statistical software packages have helped and greatly improved the ability of researchers to analyze and interpret voluminous data. Developments in computerized statistical analysis have enhanced the ability of researchers to come up with better conclusions. This has helped in improving their statistical, computer-related and networking skills of the researchers. For exploiting and sustaining these developed skills, availability of proper computing and infrastructure facilities to agricultural research in National Agricultural Research System (NARS) is of utmost consequence for improving their skills. The statistical computing support would be useful in improving the quality of agricultural research and make it globally competitive and acceptable by way of publications in International refereed Journals. The present project, therefore, targets at providing technical support on the component of statistical computing by applications of general purpose statistical software package that help in undertaking appropriate, sophisticated and computationally involved statistical analysis of data keeping in mind also the accuracy and precision of analysis. It is expected to create a healthy statistical computing environment for the benefit of the scientists in NARS by way of providing advanced, versatile, and innovative and state-of the art high end statistical packages and enable them to draw meaningful and valid inferences from their research.
Indian Agricultural Statistics Research Institute
Design Resources Server
(IP Authenticated Service)
Indian NARS Statistical Computing Portal
Web Report Studio
BI Dashboard
Resource Page
Eminer 6.1 (Server)
Eminer 7.1 (Server)
Usage and Impact
Reviews and Comments
News and Events
-Copyrights received for
INDIAN NARS STATISTICAL COMPUTING PORTAL: L-55719/2013 & SW-7397/2013 on October 25, 2013
-Macros of analysis of data from Split Plot (Main AxB, Sub c) Design and Strip Split Plot Design uploaded
-Macros of Generating Polycross and TFNBCB desings uploaded
-Macros of Generating Treatment Combination SFTSMCRS uploaded
-Multi Java environment user guide uploaded(available in "Publcations" link)
-SAS University Edition Installation Manual has been uploaded under the "Publications" tab.
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